There is a special satisfaction I imagine deriving from being defeated by forces too big for me. Life is a constant struggle for as long as we keep battling forces that can be overcome with enough effort and resolve. But when you are brought down to your knees and kept there by a giant invisible hand that is simply impossible to throw off, you can finally give up. I keep imagining being beaten by Fate so roundly that I can then guiltlessly give up the Sisyphian struggle I go through all day, all week, all year. Every time I face a problem that looks as though it might just be too big for me, I come across a new one that makes the first one pale in comparison. But the day I allow myself to finally, absolutely give up on life, the future will cease to matter. What people think of me will not matter, because I will have ground my ego to dust. Whether people love me or not will not matter because any betrayal will only make me surer that life was indeed worth giving up on. I will then have the license to be mean to people who take the trouble of caring for me. I will be able to shamelessly plead for pity from everyone. I will be able to cut anyone in mid-sentence and tell them I couldn’t care less for them but I want them to listen to me for hours. I’ll do exactly as I please. I’ll be liberated from political correctness. Not only will I not have to be politically correct and pretend I view men, women, gays, blacks, browns, mongoloids, sardars, ugly people, beautiful people, rich people, poor people, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, people of different castes, dark people, fair people, women with facial hair and women without, foreigners, south Indians, people with the right accents, people with regional accents, people with fake accents, people who mispronounce words and people who correct my pronunciation, people who stand up during the Indian anthem and people who think saluting the flag and standing at attention for 52 seconds means they can cheat on taxes because they love their country, people who don’t even pretend they love their country, people who read, people who don’t, people who get their kicks from spending money and people who get theirs from technology, people who have no standards when it comes to people they befriend, people who have closed their minds to entire genres of music, films, books, people who have strong convictions, people who support reservations, introverts, extroverts, ambiverts, perverts, slimy people, holier-than-thou people, rightists, leftists, centrists, hawks and doves, abstract artists and people who write absurd plays and people who draw people who look like people, meek people, doormats, assertive people, people who never admit they have insecurities too, people who enjoy reading other people’s on their blogs, people who reveal theirs on their blogs, people who understand double entendres and graphic novels, people who watch the same music videos again and again, people who enjoy remixes, smokers, drinkers, vegetarians, beef-eaters, conservative people, liberal people, bohemian people, libertarians, Pakistan bashers, people who understand people don’t always mean what they say, people who always mean what they say, people who complete my sentences and people who never can, etc equally, I’ll also be free to shout out loud that I am a bigot and a racist even when I’m not because it’s so much easier to exist with hard lines delineating black and white etched in your life than with shadow lines that shift with time. I’ll be free to be a hypocrite, to love and hate at the same time.
True freedom is perhaps the freedom to be unreasonable.
I was going to make a strong pitch for 300 but it's been getting some pretty negative reviews too. I think everyone who's read and even mildly enjoyed the graphic novel by Frank Miller has watched the film already. If you haven't yet, drop everything and stand outside Priya or whatever your local equivalent is for as long as it takes to get a ticket and then watch it. Also practise your whistling because you'll want to wolf-whistle all the time. If you haven't been exposed to this kind of filmmaking, through Sin City, or even this kind of Art at all, through other graphic novels by Frank Miller & Co. that mostly consist of beautiful visuals, sex-violence-machismo stories in which characters (mostly men) speak almost exclusively in punchlines, then you may not like it. If you get turned off by violence, you will certainly not like it.
But if you like your movie to be a grand spectacle, and enjoy men on screen being ubermanly (even women say things like "only Spartan women give birth to real men", so you should get the idea), are attracted to depictions of honour, uncompromising valour and doomed last stands, go for it. Do not expect a history lesson, it's a testosterone fest. This movie should get you by the balls for you to love it.