Saturday, March 17, 2007

I'll become your fan if... could help me with one or more of the following things regarding orkut:
1. Is there any way to be notified if you acquire a new fan, or if you lose an existing fan? Shouldn't orkut etiquette dictate that you at least scrap whoever it is you've become fanatical about, so they know?
2. Is there any way to see the list of fans for someone else on orkut?
3. How is the order of one's list of fans determined? I've added so many new fans but my first page hasn't changed for years.
4. Is there any way to search one's list of fans for a particular friend?
5. What is the correct way to search for friends on orkut, especially if they've changed their names to 'nicks' (don't do that, please)?
6. Is there any way to adjust time on orkut to IST?
7. Is there any way to get to a scrap that a particular scrap's been sent as a reply to? This is especially relevant when communicating with someone whose scrapbook advances several pages in a day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a. Go to the profile of the person you wish to see the fan list of.
b. On the immediate left of the link that tells the number of scraps, there is a link that tells the number of fans. Click it.
c. Sit back sipping Pepsi and see the list of the person's fans.

17/3/07 11:01 PM

Blogger Tapasya said...

1. Simple. The number of fans in your list of fans increments/decrements accordingly. Do an exhaustive search after that. Lol.

2. You can see the fan list of other ppl on the top left corner of their profile.

3.It is determined on a FIFO basis I guess. Your first page would never change.

4. No method exists, except the exhaustive search method. You should search your friends from the 'Friends' tab/ 'search' textbox that comes after clicking on 'view friends'.

5. You have a friend list that shows their email address ('Friends' tab).

6. I dont know.
7. No direct method exists.

PS: Become my fan now :D


18/3/07 12:03 AM

Blogger Realistic me... said...

1 the no.of fans increase/decrease accordingly,so u will know by the no.
2 right corner of the profile of that person has the no. of fans ,click n view
3 i guess its first come first ,so it wont change
4 view ur frends n start seachin
5 use the change filters option n fill the info u r sure about
6 sorry no idea
7 a scrapbook on its right corner has "previous" tab , use that

sorry i guess there r no shortcuts in life[:D]

18/3/07 1:47 AM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

I thought it was implied but obviously people have no respect for each others' intelligence: I meant ways of finding out these things apart from exhaustive searches. Also, I KNOW the no. of fans increments and decrements. What I do NOT know is if the number has CHANGED from earlier unless I remember it. And what I certainly do not know is who is the new entrant on the list. And the fan list is not a FIFO list. I'm sure of that.

18/3/07 9:11 AM

Blogger Vik said...

There must b some complex mathematical formula (based on when one started orkutting, how much one orkuts, how many fans/friends one has) to determine where one stands in somebody else's friends' list (Worth of an orkutter!).
The time since one started orkutting must be having quite a high weightage-> people orkutting since long<=> people having made fan entries long back<=>feature on the first page.
If A is placed higher than B in C's friends' list, (s)he is definitely placed higher in D's friends' list too (provided, u know what.). So I'm very sure orkut calculates worth of an orkutter.
(I know the obvious implication of ur question is "How's this worth determined?", and my comment doesn't answer that. You see, I've full respect for ur intelligence :D)

19/3/07 12:53 AM

Blogger Tapasya said...

You sound like some IITian. :D

@ RF
We all respect your intelligence. No doubts on that. But you need to learn to smile when you read silly answers.

19/3/07 5:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's right. (Now you) Don't be silly. Smile.

20/3/07 5:56 PM

Blogger Realistic me... said...

sorry! everything was done in a good humour, didn't know u will get offended like that.

like tapasya said we all respect ur intelligence.

27/3/07 3:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fan list is in the order of when u joined orkut. Older members appear earlier. So your first page may just change.

5/7/07 3:56 AM


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