cant think of a life changing event that made you do a post like this. what was it that you just had to write two lines on a blog you havent touched for months.
Didn't get much (read ALL) I refrained from commenting thinking it mihgt just be my illusion or i caught you in the middle of an update and you'd expand the post later.
I'm yet another resource-consuming kid in an overpopulated planet, raised to an alarming extent by Hollywood and Bollywood, poised with my cynical and alienated peers to take over the world when I'm older and stronger.
3/9/07 4:15 AM
Well said/done.
3/9/07 12:51 PM
3/9/07 3:22 PM
But don't mind me!
3/9/07 3:22 PM
IIM must be real busy, if the only time you've got is just enough to crank out this post.
Kidding, though. Hopefully you're having fun there.
Didn't get what you're trying to say, BTW.
4/9/07 2:30 AM
I'm surprised at the people who did get it... it just made some sense to me at that moment.
4/9/07 3:38 AM
I am one of those who didn't (get it).
I am only assuming that you are back to blogging (and hopefully cribbing about WIMWI).
11/9/07 12:30 PM
cant think of a life changing event that made you do a post like this. what was it that you just had to write two lines on a blog you havent touched for months.
13/9/07 3:15 AM
Didn't get much (read ALL) I refrained from commenting thinking it mihgt just be my illusion or i caught you in the middle of an update and you'd expand the post later.
19/9/07 6:52 PM
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