Monday, September 17, 2007

In which I find my inspiration to continue at WIMWI

8:10 PM Dashdash: so what did you decide
me: about what?
8:11 PM Dashdash: what you want to do today
me: i have to work on my btp
8:12 PM i also have an assignment demo
Dashdash: fine
8:14 PM people with much more work than you
are a lot less rude to me
besides you're not a good manager
me: i don't see how i'm being rude
Dashdash: and you get nervous
that is your primary problem
you dont accept your faults
8:15 PM me: we ARE quite similar, then
Dashdash: no
im a good manager
and i dont get nervous like you
me: and you accept your faults?
8:16 PM never mind
Dashdash: even from rude people, yes
my accepting my fault never pacified your ego anyway so how does it matter
me: precisely, it doesn't matter
8:17 PM Dashdash: you dont deserve the air time you get
you're always speaking too much and listening too little
8:18 PM me: anyway, i have to leave
you must have something to do too
Dashdash: no one is stopping you smarty pants!
me: :)
Dashdash: just go


I was searching for some old important sort of mail to do with my BTP when I chanced upon this. I thought it was funny so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone by spreading the good cheer and giving my asphyxiating blog the Kiss of Life.

PS: I do think I am a little sarcastic at times, or at least I try. I don't think it ever worked on Dashdash, by the way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a bit hard to read, which is fair enough as it is a copy paste job of a conversation that had a natural tendency for convolution anyway. still not sure about the two birds.. have a feeling i am picking up on a story after missing a few chapters in between

19/9/07 11:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he

19/9/07 11:08 PM

Blogger Rashman said...

I guess not too many people share that kind of a conversation :)

20/9/07 3:04 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Is dashdash a fiery virago?

26/9/07 2:07 AM


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