Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mujhe gussa kyon aata hai?

I hate the whole fucking shebang.
I hate the noise, the loud, the LOUD shouts of the chorus in my hostel lawns preparing to present a street play that looks suspiciously like something I've seen, or more likely heard, earlier. I hate noise. I hate noisy airplanes flying overhead every five seconds when I'm talking on the phone. Why isn't this place a no-flying zone? [Now forty voices are chanting "Shanti, shanti, shanti" at the top of their voices - sweet, cruel irony.] And I hate it that people can't be louder on phone. In fact, I hate phones. I think cell phones are a nuisance. They can save your life. But they can also cause unbelievable levels of irritation.
I also hate a whole bunch of things that will take me the rest of the night to write down. Chances are, blogspot or IIT's fragile internet connection will act up before then.
I saw the video for Do the Evolution by Pearl Jam today. It's a great video, and all of us must watch it to know what we've done and what we continue to do to ourselves. The more things change, the more they remain the same is borne out more powerfully through a five minute animated clip than through fat tomes on civilization and history.
I'm almost through The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai. It's good, and I liked it very much in the beginning and now, at the end. The middle is a bit of a drag though. A little bit could have been excised out. It's quite a relief to not have noticed up till now that it's a pretty big book. Usually, I'm ultrasensitive to the size of books and I groan at anything larger than Love Story.
Everyone has the same issues, man. Everyone's into identity and what-it-means-to-be-me-in-this-rapidly-changing-world and we're-at-crossroads and cusp-of-cultures rubbish. I'm sure every generation feels exactly the same way. I'm done with groaning about all this. It makes for compelling writing and nice IWE with spices and incest thrown in for good measure but really, big deal. Oversimplification, I'm afraid.
A rather large part of why I'm irritated today is because I'm having to study. It's been so long since I had to work on a Saturday that it feels a little strange. The upside of course is that I'm going to wake up tomorrow smug in the knowledge that I've become a mythical hard-working and sincere version of me I believe once existed. The truth is that for as long as I remember, I was lazy and cynical (qualities that often coexist) and hated work. The difference between then and now is simply that I hated it but did it, and now I hate it and don't do it. I'm oversimplifying again but in essence and shorn of detail, this is a fact.
I really, honestly, sometimes don't see the point of it all.


Blogger Tapasya said...

Why are your posts getting real and personal these days? Something's changed, for sure.

PS: The movie reviews were definitely better, atleast they didn't make me (and other readers of your blog) think and evaluate!

25/2/07 1:13 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Are all Leos the same ? The last para did make me think so seriously !

25/2/07 9:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to my college, man! This place needs you. And you, in a way, need it.

26/2/07 1:29 AM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[tapasya] Perhpas something's changed. I'm back to not caring much what goes on the blog. I thought movie reviews were very impersonal. Blogging, after all, is all about voyeurism.

[caesar] What's so 'Leo'-ish about the last para? Although I AM a bit like the stereotypical Leo, at least that's what my mom says.

[arnav] Inshallah!
I need a change, and your college might be exactly the kind I need, but how is that apparent from the post?

26/2/07 9:40 AM

Blogger Vik said...

The street play, noise, airplanes, and phones- how nicely u've summed up the things into one paragraph (and hence saved me and my blog from the scores of words I would've written, some day, on each one.)

But still, I won't spare those noisy airplanes!

26/2/07 2:07 PM

Blogger Phoenix said...

Take a break, take a breath, and make some plans for "afterwards" with people.
Blogging is about voyeurism was my line!

26/2/07 9:44 PM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[the introvert] I think we should write a petition and get it signed by all IITians in favour of making IIT Delhi a no-flying zone in the interests of national security.

[phoenix] Hey, it was always MY line! You may have quoted me somewhere, but I retain copyright :).

26/2/07 10:39 PM

Blogger The Reader said...

If you remember, my first question in our Cranium was on Do the Evolution! :)

27/2/07 4:07 PM

Blogger Vik said...

PS 2: Belated happy holi :P

6/3/07 5:48 PM


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