Tuesday, June 13, 2006

...new bottle

Changes have been made
Of all sizes and shapes
Some are in order
Most are somewhat late

The old template has made way for the new
(As old things often must do)
From the classic (but boring) Black&White
I offer you blues and yellows and a cheerful shade of granite.

Don't think you'll notice, it's too faint
(I've tried to darken it, in vain)
All the same, I should let you know
That the lines below the blog-name
Are different from before

What else... let me think...
Oh yes, the links!
The sidebar's seen some action
Nothing's been removed, just some additions:

I now have a space to boast
About the great books I read
And below that, to raise a toast
To the nice new movies I've seen

Finally (for the sidebar, that is)
I've added a new counter of hits
So I can know I haven't been posting in vain
Even though the comment count stubbornly remains the same

From today my "complete profile"
Is slightly more complete
It now has a random query
And the response it received from me

Lastly, and leastly
The bottom of my page
Has a little button that claims
I'm only the 77th most popular Indian blogger these days

It would do my cause
A world of good
If you would continue to visit
(From different IP's if you could)

In return I give you my word
For whatever it's worth
That I'll post as regularly as I can
Meanwhile, could you please de-lurk?


Blogger Tapasya said...

Nice changes! The blog space now looks more attractive and lively, I guess! Keep blogging, TC

13/6/06 7:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

are there any early bird prizes for comments ?

13/6/06 8:38 PM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[tapasya] I know! I will, you too.

[akshat] For that you have to be the earliest bird.:) (Hint: keep visiting.)

13/6/06 11:13 PM

Blogger Tapasya said...

I am the earliest bird.
Where's my prize?

13/6/06 11:19 PM

Blogger conufsed said...

man your popularity is going leaps and bounds. You are currently 32nd most popular blogger.
Great and best wishes
V for Vilom

14/6/06 2:05 AM

Blogger thelostcause said...

The description is too good....hope the pants aren't having much trouble!

14/6/06 11:16 AM

Blogger Phoenix said...


14/6/06 12:15 PM

Blogger Phoenix said...

i dont LOOOVE the template, but i love the new opening description, and i like the mood of this post too, well written, mister popular blogger...

do blog more

btw, u shd give prizes to regular readers and commenters also:P

14/6/06 12:18 PM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[tapasya] Your prize is already on its way, it should reach you any day.

[conufsed] At the time of replying, I'm 54th. :( It goes down as the day proceeds. Weird algo.

[thelostcause] I'd have taken a bow, only it's really uncomfortable with my state being what it is.

[phoenix] The only reason I'm not insanely in love with my template is that it's standard, even if not the commonest. But it's cheery, and it reflects my current mood.

14/6/06 12:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sahi bidu ..nice change ..clap clap :D
trust me dude, u r indeed being trained technically, consciously or not ;)

14/6/06 12:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

RF indulging in matters technical? Well, stranger things have happened.

14/6/06 3:13 PM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[grain saint] Maybe. Anyway, I'm happy with the results.

[vivek] I try, I try. Have to admit, it's very useful to know technical stuff.

14/6/06 5:12 PM

Blogger The waterhouse king said...

so u slipped to 40th by time I get to read it.. btw how come you are cheerful today?

14/6/06 6:34 PM

Blogger DJK said...

Congrats on the make over. [:)] I love changing templates quite often myself. Though I like to design my own.

14/6/06 10:36 PM

Blogger DJK said...

Is there anyway to correspond, than through comments on each others' blogs?

14/6/06 11:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

where do you buy those books?


15/6/06 1:32 AM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[revealed preferences] Nice. Can't I be? Do I not have the right?

[djk] You can mail me at robert.frust@gmail.com. Err, anything important?

[abhay] Borrow some, bought some at Bangalore's amazing second-hand bookshop called Blossoms.

15/6/06 10:37 AM

Blogger DJK said...

Okay, I read that as, "Don't mail me, unless it's important" :P

15/6/06 10:51 AM

Blogger . said...


Nice. anyway influenced by Tharoor's irreverent prose-poetry? :D

15/6/06 11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't see ur Indian Blog standing any more...how come?

17/6/06 2:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice changes...
im still trying to figure out how to change my template.. sigh!!
and i didnt think you were the poetic sort.. its elementary but nice

17/6/06 10:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how abt giftin me some cool book... my birthday's comin up :)
the description on the top is delightful...

18/6/06 8:21 AM

Blogger The waterhouse king said...

"poised with my cynical and alienated peers to take over the world when I'm older and stronger." Is this a definitive change in the tenor of the blog?

19/6/06 2:51 PM


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