Monday, June 19, 2006

For whatever they're worth, these are all I have written since the template overhaul. I tried and tried to come up with some back story or some epilogue to the first of these, but I couldn't. If I do in future, I'll re-publish the poem again.
The second was written as a response to the question that is now its title. This was one of those random questions that blogger throws up that you can choose to answer so that people have a better idea of who you are.

The Princess and The Frog

The frog told the puckering princess
The one with the luscious, inviting lips
Before you kiss
I must tell you, miss
I suffer from acute halitosis.

The princess smiled and lisped
Never fear, my potential prince
You may comfortably stink
I won't feel a thing
(Because luckily for you
Even if you do)
I have blocked sinuses.

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

The frog with the bald pate
With the princess on their first date
Mustered up the courage to tell
Cleared his throat, swelled, and began, "Well..."

But before he could even reach
The next word of his speech
The power was back, and there was light
(As God intended it to be)
The children shouted with glee -
"We can watch T.V.!"
And the story was left for another night

(Of course, the real reason
For the power to have arrived
At a moment most opportune
(Or infuriating, depending on whether
You're the unfortunate reader
Taken for a ride)
Or the unimaginative story-teller
Who's sea of stories has long dried
Is that I couldn't imagine
What the frog with the shiny pate
(And on his first date)
Felt couldn't wait
Till after the Kiss
By the eminently kissable princess.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he.. really nice!!
from film critic to poet.. you seem to have made the transition quite well afer the last two posts...

19/6/06 11:05 PM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[arpit] Actually, I wrote poems earlier, and my previous blog (Bhoot on the sidebar) has several of my efforts. On this blog, I moved to writing long-winded posts because writing poems - even bad ones - is tougher.

20/6/06 2:08 PM

Blogger DJK said...

I love limericking . The best part is it doesn't have to make much sense..

20/6/06 2:10 PM

Blogger Tapasya said...

You seemed to have gone through a makeover...from serious posts to movie reviews to kiddish poems(Sorry, I couldnt find a better adjective for your poems, I wrote similar types when I was in middle school, lol).

I did end up smiling (!!!)at the concept of frogs having acute halitosis! And I can think of the situation that your kids would be in, when you narrate bedtime stories to them (you better follow the conventional Cindrella/Snow White/Fairy stories, or you will end up standing outside their rooms)!

Im still laughing!

20/6/06 9:33 PM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[djk] Me too.

[tapasya] We write to entertain. My kids will be spared the weirder stories, rest assured.

21/6/06 2:55 PM

Blogger Phoenix said...

actually, i have an inkling your kida will be exposed to lots of weird, not so weird and inherently confusing stuff if they read thru all the blogs u manage to write by them :))

somehow all the talk of kisses reminded me of one of ur rather old posts, smwhere on that Bhoot, that talked of kissing on a date, and blocked noses.

..and i can see a lot of ur readers have missed a lot of ur good poetry, unlike me:D:D

wat abt the Indian blogger link?

22/6/06 11:38 AM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[phoenix] Kids are a very long way off, I have to grow up before they happen. The bloked nose post was a STORY, I hope everyone got that. Totally fictional guys, no coincidences, nothing.
What about the link? I can see it, it's right at the bottom and so am I. :(

22/6/06 5:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There. If it makes you happy :)

25/6/06 2:53 PM


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