I'm Back!
I just spent close to 4 hrs looking for a bank which would send a demand draft against cash, and travelled across half of Bangalore only to find one that charged 60 rupees fora 67 rs. draft.
But I don't mind because:
a) I haven't travelled through much of Bangalore and this way was able to
b) I saw at least two places I wanted to go to, and therefore now the way to
c) I had a good meal in Pizza Hut, a lot better than the Oracle sponsored meals here, though hostel meals remain incomparably bad
d) I saw this amazing movie rental place called, what else but Cinema Paradiso which has a truly awesome collection of movies. I saw movies like Krysztof Kieslowski's (apologies if the spelling is incorrect) Decalogue, and Godard's and other assosrted exoticities, and of course the complete collections of the likes of Kurosawa and Hitchcock and Polanski. Also saw more Guru Dutt than have ever seen before ina single place.
Above that wonderful world of movies is reputedly the must-visit pub of Bangalore - Legends of Rock.
I intend to spend some good quality time in the very near future browsing through those movie titles at leisure (the membership fee is 3000 bucks, so won't be seeing any, but on the upside I'm reading a bit these days), and then spend the evening in la-la land above.
Life's been worse.
You are hanging out in all the right places..
Cinema Paradiso was being rennovated while I was there. Cool.. how are the rains? And LOR? Great to see you back in blogsphere
23/5/06 8:56 PM
"....Cinema Paradiso...."
[all the while ,doing 'I told you' so dance]
24/5/06 3:02 PM
This is so terrible...having a movie library, but not being able to watch all those movies! Nice that you have a decent pub close by to drown your sorrows.
And am glad that your hibernation is over. Internships in Bangalore have been known to revive blogging spirits, or rather spirits in Bangalore have been known to revive blogging interns.
And just noticed, you got Kieslowski right (unless I'm losing touch), and spelled 'assorted' wrongly!
25/5/06 1:44 AM
[KD] I did go to LOR later that evening. Desperately wanted to go out, but that's probably another small post.
[conufsed] :))
When are YOU coming out of your hibernation? I feel like such a fool checking your blog everyday for sign of activity.
[arnav] "Internships...blogging interns": lovely turn of phrase!
I read about the Decalogue on wiki, it seems suitably accessible to be enjoyable; feel even more like watching it/them.
And LOR is a VERY decent pub for any purpose.
'Kieslowski' vs 'assorted': Rather pseud, wouldn't you think?
25/5/06 5:01 PM
Imagine my joy when I first learnt about this dvd-rental about six months back, it was but short-lived as they didn't have a branch at Delhi then.The header "we're opening shortly at Delhi" is still running.Why Delhi is always given a raw deal when it comes to matters of art is beyond my comprehension!
29/5/06 2:37 AM
the membership fee is 3000 bucks, so won't be seeing any
Cinema Paradiso's too expensive, yes:( But if this helps - there are plenty good films available (pirated, of course) at approx Rs 80 a DVD, at this wonderful place called National Market, so :D. Do pay a visit. If you haven't already, that is.
First time here, got here through Arnav's blog :)
1/6/06 1:38 AM
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