Friday, March 24, 2006

Angsty Pantsy

I think I remember seeing the above subtitle ("Angst in my pants") on Beatzo's blog. I don't visit this blog and hence don't remember since I must've seen the blog in question on only a couple of occassions in a friend's place.
In fact, it's a wonder that I was able to figure out that it was this blog that I saw this phrase in. I'm usually not too great at being able to recall things when I most need to by thinking hard. They usually either come easily or hover in the margins (of my consciousness, what else?) till the time has passed. I once suffered for two whole days before I remembered 'Meryl Streep'.
It's horrible when you know you know something and you know you can almost remember it, but it just doesn't enter it (my conscious mind, doofus) when it should. I think a good analogy would be trying to reach a small fibrous piece of food stuck from the morning's breakfast between your side teeth that you can just about reach and wiggle a bit with your tongue, but can't dislodge. A toothpick, of course, is nowhere near reach.

Anyway, the motivations for this uncharacteristic post are the following:

1) the Net rocks today. Maybe it's the proxy, maybe junta is (are? Any suggestions on correct Hinglish grammar are most welcome.) studying for minors, maybe IIT's finally woken up and decided to devote more than the paltry bandwidth it reserves for the hostels. Like I told someone a while back, we're in the goddam Mecca (very blasphemous in these times) of engineering studies in a country poised on the cusp of economic and technological greatness in the world and the Net - basic human need of the iPod generation - is so awfully slow I blink through tears of rage when I check my gmail page download pixel by painful pixel.
But I'm happy today, so I'm scrapping people (on Orkut, I endorse Orkut over pretenders like hi5 et al.), and blogging and generally frolicking on the Net with a joy I haven't experienced since really long.
God bless champak, god bless the day I chose CSE (over EE, what else?).

2) rather prosaically, I haven't blogged for really long and suddenly for no apparent reason I remembered the phrase that now adorns the title on the top and thought it would be more apt than the previous subtitle. The previous subtitle was cool and I was attached to it because it was a Calvin quote. I have to admit, however, that this one is cooler and fits my profile better.

3) I wanted to credit the original source of this phrase, and issue a disclaimer simultaneously.
Now, if the source happens to visit my blog, I won't have to blush at having been caught plagiarising a cool subtitle. I'm proud of being one of the few people I know who give credit where it's due.

4) checked my blog before coming here (on blogger, where else?) and saw two new comments. Hence, felt enthused about posting. I mean, one can go on and on about how little one cares about comments but the fact of the matter is that one cares. Only to an extent, of course, but one would be lying if one said one didn't feel good at watching the comment count increase.
One of the two comments was deleted by the author. Like all popular bloggers, I've been getting my share of comments that are deleted by their authors (authoresses?) when they see to their horror what their comment really looks like in e-print. Retrospect is such a great thing. Now, the good news for you is I don't have one of those cool little provisions which make it possible for your comment to be read by me because it has already reached my mailbox. I (used to) think it's so vain to check your mailbox to see if anyone's commented. But my feelings don't stand the test of logic. For one, you can read the deleted comments which is really useful. Secondly, you'd know if someone's commented on one of your previous posts which I might miss.
Hence, I do not blame you, dear reader and fellow blogger, if you prefer to read my comment on in your inbox before your blog. I feel like doing that with my blog too, but I hate it when my inbox crowds with unwanted mails, and so I'll pass this. In other words, you're free to comment and then delete your comment. I wouldn't know it was you.

5) had a small poltu meeting with the kingmakers. Hate poltu. Everyone says that of course, but I despise it, and I don't lie. I mean, I realize it's required and all that and that people who sit for night long meetings are probably doing your hostel a service blah blah, but it tires me. Other things too, like futile debates on whether I prefer the Congress or BJP tire me. Surprisingly, for an institute as politically apathetic (wrt national politics) as IIT, I've been asked twice in the last five days by two independent and unrelated groups of people which side off centre did I prefer. Iusually umm and aww and pretend to think for a while before I give a general sort of answer. Then I get caught in these earnest discussions on The Right vs. Left vs. Centre and the future of India and India's relations with the US and should we have tested the bloody bomb and shit, and I just get tired. Seriously, who cares? I hate it when other people say this, but I don't either and that's the truth.
I needed a break and this opportunity presented itself, so here I am, typing.

6) didn't feel like studying CHL110. It's very boring, I'm screwed and I hate it. Just to put off the inevitable, I slept for four hours in the afternoon including the lunch hours. Strangely, I don't feel as guilty as I should and hence I'd rather do something I enjoy.

So those were my reasons. I didn't realize myself I had so many reasons until I put them all down. In fact, I can probably invent a few more if I try.

Anyway, going back to the basics, I love my new subtitle and this post is dedicated to the dude who came up with it. Wherever and whoever you are, you've made me happy today. God bless!


Blogger The Reader said...

He He, I thought I was the only one bored by the Congress vs BJP question. I couldn't really care less :)

24/3/06 5:18 AM

Blogger Phoenix said...

I can sense the minors getting on thy nerves. Or maybe it's simpyl one course with the letters C and H at the start that's the cause of all the misery in the world.
All right,I'm frustrated. Anger everywhere within me perhaps!

Btw, nice to hear this...
god bless the day I chose CSE

24/3/06 9:28 AM

Blogger Siddhartha Banerjee said...

Go mug!
Good to know you like CSE...though I am not sure in what context from the blog.
Copy Beatzo? Hell, we do that all the time! You still haven't quite reached the hoarding up books/movies/assorted miscellanea ('I'm a magpie, in the words of the man himself)!

24/3/06 9:49 AM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[aidoneus] Weird time to be bloghopping. Welcome to the apathetic club. Our strength is we don't care.:)

[phoenix] The minors are but a part of the larger motivation, m'lady. Why are you frustrated?

[bofi] I'll try. You're right about the context. I mean it semi-sarcastically. I used to despise magpies but am slowly turning into one.:)

24/3/06 10:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>The previous subtitle was cool and I was attached to it because it was a Calvin quote. I have to admit, however, that this one is cooler and fits my profile better.

I dunno... I personally thought the Calvin quote was more apt than this one.

>>But I'm happy today...
So how come you're in angst?

24/3/06 9:12 PM

Blogger Tapasya said...

1. god bless the day I chose CSE (over EE, what else?)

Any specific reasons for this? I mean the internet hasnt got much to do with the core CS.


Anyway, going back to the basics, I love my new subtitle and this post is dedicated to the dude who came up with it. Wherever and whoever you are, you've made me happy today. God bless!

I liked the prev. one more. It had more substance in it.

24/3/06 9:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wherever and whoever you are, you've made me happy today

That's such a rare occurence, that person deserves a special conribution to mankind award.

26/3/06 10:29 AM

Blogger Robert Frust said...

[vivek] Hmm, you've created doubts in my head.

[tapasya] The reason is I get an account for a lab account that enables much faster internet access.
You too!

[;)] :) Why the mask though?

26/3/06 10:11 PM

Blogger Tapasya said...

[tapasya] The reason is I get an account for a lab account that enables much faster internet access.
You too!

Well, thats quite an interesting

And yes, me too...I really liked your prev blog...along with its title!

27/3/06 12:52 AM


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